SAL-E: SAL-E 10-18-08 at the end of the night
SAL-E: Teri Yaki, James Roscoe and SAL-E down in the hole 10-18-08
SAL-E: Down in the hole with Teri Yaki, James and SAL-E 10-18-08
SAL-E: SAL-E and Dakota Bear 10-18-08
SAL-E: James Roscoe and SAL-E down in the HOLE 10-18-08
SAL-E: Teri Yaki and SAL-E 10-18-08
SAL-E: Eddie Couture 10-18-08
SAL-E: Eddie Couture gives us a show 10-18-08
SAL-E: Eddie Couture and the bonehead dancers
SAL-E: Eddie Couture working it 10-18-08
SAL-E: SAL-E at the door 10-18-08
SAL-E: SAL-E putting on face 10-18-08
SAL-E: SAL-E removes hair 10-13-08
SAL-E: SAL-E gets new ear rings 10-13-08
SAL-E: SAL-E plays with some screws 10-13-08
SAL-E: SAL-E 10-13-08
SAL-E: SAL-E 10-13-08
SAL-E: SAL-E and JOJO greet the boys 10-13-08
SAL-E: Chitown diva aka Ronnie and Angel at the Boom Boom Room 10-13-08
SAL-E: Ronnie and Angel 10-13-08
SAL-E: SAL-E gets his angel 10-13-08
SAL-E: Angel and SAL-E back stage 10-13-08
SAL-E: SAL-e finds a Ginja 10-13-08
SAL-E: JOJO and red Head man 10-13-08
SAL-E: Tina Torch 10-12-08
SAL-E: SAL-E on stage down in Carbondale 10-12-08
SAL-E: Tina Torch raises the roof here 10-12-08
SAL-E: SAL-E Thanks everyone 10-12-08
SAL-E: SAL-E shows off gymnastic skills 10-12-08
SAL-E: SAL-E wears the Green one 10-12-08