Frau Mayer and Cat: Lisbon in bloom - three
Frau Mayer and Cat: Azulejos - three
Frau Mayer and Cat: The castle - three
Frau Mayer and Cat: The castle - one
Frau Mayer and Cat: The obligatory feet picture
Frau Mayer and Cat: Lisbon-doors---one
Frau Mayer and Cat: Lisbon in bloom - two
Frau Mayer and Cat: Azulejos - one
Frau Mayer and Cat: Lisbon-doors---two
Frau Mayer and Cat: The castle - two
Frau Mayer and Cat: Lisbon in bloom - one
Frau Mayer and Cat: Lisbon-doors---three
Frau Mayer and Cat: Castle yard
Frau Mayer and Cat: Azulejos - two