I had already altered the sleeve cap on the first Morris I made in a woven. I wanted another inch out for the knit version so I traced the sleeve onto freezer paper.
I traced the sleeve again for a permanent pattern piece, and you can see one inch has been taken out.
Rather than interface the entire front sections, I cut a strip around the perimeter for extra stability on the knit. Pay attention to the grain even on interfacing because there is more stretch on the crossgrain than the straight grain.
Here is the continuous interfacing strip.There are curves so straight pieces won't fit correctly.
Fusing the interfacing strip on one of the front sections. Corners are clipped, but as it turned out my interfacing was still in the corners with the 1/2 inch SA. The points turned out well though!
If you serge the facings instead of turning under, you will need to adjust the hem facings too or it won't fit together correctly.
I cut off the 1/2 inch SA on the hem facings but did not serge to eliminate extra bulk at the point.
This is how it looks on the right side after sewn. All the seam lines from the hem facing matched up to the body of the blazer perfectly.
After the sleeve facing is sewn in, press your seam allowance toward the facing, taking care not to undo your hem pressing.
Stitching in the ditch from shoulder seam to shoulder seam to secure the facing instead of hand stitching.
I wrote a separate tutorial on how to make button loops from elastic hair bands. The link is included in the pattern review on PR.