patchworkgandalf: Victoria Centre, survey
patchworkgandalf: Tom and ?
patchworkgandalf: Andrew actively questionnairing
patchworkgandalf: Andrew and?
patchworkgandalf: Traffic was really slow moving
patchworkgandalf: Finally a cone in its natural habitat
patchworkgandalf: New plush
patchworkgandalf: Little blue bird does meatballs
patchworkgandalf: Catnip photo, for my cat fans
patchworkgandalf: Polish deli stall
patchworkgandalf: 50p for salmon
patchworkgandalf: Oysters 60p
patchworkgandalf: toilet paper
patchworkgandalf: Holstein - no bull!
patchworkgandalf: For Verena.V.
patchworkgandalf: Nottingham
patchworkgandalf: Possibly the most expensive bird bath in the world
patchworkgandalf: bit fuzzy due to optical zoom
patchworkgandalf: lots of jets
patchworkgandalf: Not my child
patchworkgandalf: Little blue bird and big stone lion
patchworkgandalf: Possibly the mankiest pigeon I have ever seen