www.AlastairHumphreys.com: When in doubt, head for the hills.
www.AlastairHumphreys.com: One of the best days of the year: seeing my first swift. Up here, amongst them, they glide and dive and circle, and I spin my head back and round and up trying to keep sight of them. Have they arrived where you live yet?
www.AlastairHumphreys.com: Strolling the streets of old Jeddah. Excited by my first visit to Saudi Arabia.
www.AlastairHumphreys.com: Out of the wheat fields and into the woods. Pine forests and sandy tracks. The scent of resin and the respite of shade. I pad silently past grazing deer, basking snakes and resting eagles. Birds flit amongst the trees, cicadas belt out their percussive sc
Rui Palha: Parallel Worlds
Rui Palha: Just a bit of Lighting...
Rui Palha: It's raining outside
Dan Ballard Photography: "Soft Winter" Swiss Alps
zm.sintra: DSC_9379
zm.sintra: DSC_9119
zm.sintra: DSC_9105
zm.sintra: DSC_9112
Rui Palha: Quiet rain
zm.sintra: DSC_8170
zm.sintra: DSC_8174
Topher Hewitt: Kleah & Marie
BlondeLloydy: P1010427
BlondeLloydy: IMG_0186
BlondeLloydy: IMG_0543
laperlenoire: Bus Stop / Arrêt de bus
Rui Palha: Silence please!
Rui Palha: Mr X