Gmare: Oreo's favorite spot
Gmare: Oreo and Hazel
Gmare: Oreo
Gmare: Outside looking in
Gmare: Oreo
Gmare: Pleeeease feed me
Gmare: Somebody is always camped out at the food bowls
Gmare: Make one wrong move....
Gmare: Tired of waiting!!
Gmare: Small, Medium, Large
Gmare: Sleepy kitty
Gmare: Night, night
Gmare: Oreo
Gmare: Oreo
Gmare: HoHum
Gmare: Pedicure maybe??
Gmare: Oreo The Bottom
Gmare: Handsome Boy
Gmare: Oreo home from the vet
Gmare: Oreo - back in his favorite spot!!