Miniature Painting: 52608976548_47dd3c4d74_o
Miniature Painting: Slaanesh, Age of Sigmar, white backgr
chipjaxgarrison: Battle Masters
koen_jacobs: Meet Mr. Wolf
Blessed Knight: The Soul Harvest
GrigoriyOrlov: 2017-01-30_11-40-24
banzai1000: Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists
banzai1000: Legio Custodes Captain Konstatin Valdor
banzai1000: Legio Custodes Contemptor Galatus Dreadnought
banzai1000: Legio Custodes Foot Knights
SEXY Painted: 2016-12-04_10-58-36_1480888844880
SEXY Painted: librarian
SEXY Painted: voncas
SEXY Painted: IMG_20150521_012243
SEXY Painted: IMG_20150521_012415
SEXY Painted: IMG_20170204_023420
SEXY Painted: IMG_85540632078112
Plueschtoaster: 20180722_211954
Scott Steinhart: Blood Ravens Tactical Squad "Raven of XIX Legion"
Scott Steinhart: Vulkan He'stan
rickyfields76: Brother Captain Lucius Kushiel
riocordo1: adeptus titanicus
IAmDest: Black Legion
davidcolwell725: Stibor Lazaerek 11
rickyfields76: Primaris Brother Apothecary Raphael of the Sun Angels Sanguinary Priesthood
Jay Adan: Tech Priest Dominus
Scott Steinhart: Brother Goriel
Jay Adan: Space Marine Terminator Sergeant - Space Hulk
Miniature Painting: Space Hulk - Blood Angels