skl_cld: Küstenseeschwalbe / Arctic Tern
skl_cld: Mohn
Greatoutdoorman: Jealousy
Jazz Black: 🎧 Free like the wind...
Carsten Bahnsen: Silberreiher / great egret (Ardea alba)
Gmlskis: Fresno Chaffee Zoo - Guira cuckoo
Dirk Segl: Rotkehlchen (Erithacus rubecula)
steve.gombocz: 2890 arriving at Bury Bolton Street Station.
steve.gombocz: Wheatear
tinchen110: Erlenzeisig
michafink: Lachmöwe - Black-headed Gull
neilcairnsifa: European Robin
neilcairnsifa: Reed Bunting
neilcairnsifa: Eurasian Curlew
neilcairnsifa: Bar tailed Godwit
gutlaunefotos ☮: Eichelhäher
gutlaunefotos ☮: Buntspecht
gutlaunefotos ☮: Große Sumpfschwebfliege
piranhabros: It may not be graceful, but it works
Ralf Hüsges: Heidelibelle
xrxss15: Common Reed Bunting
Greatoutdoorman: Tight turn
Andy Morffew: Cardinal
_anna_wien: A little and colorful chingolo in my backyard: gorrión del nuevo mundo (new world sparrows)
Enjoy Nature Today: Male Northern Cardinal. Texas
carlr1312: Marsh Tit
whmr: Bussard 2