Tish C.: /me waves
Tish C.: Early TC in early Windlight
Tish C.: I can haz cap!
Tish C.: Pink Flamingo sim
Tish C.: Rasta Tish
Tish C.: Freebie Ferrari!
Tish C.: Yeah!
Tish C.: SL9B
Tish C.: "Entoosiasms... entoosiasms... entoosiasms."
Tish C.: stand4love
Tish C.: Depth Perception
Tish C.: All clear!
Tish C.: A Shot in the Dark
Tish C.: Critique
Tish C.: Ruining the Dancefloor
Tish C.: Masked
Tish C.: "Violent Pig"
Tish C.: Ginormous Mi26
Tish C.: Ginormous Mi26
Tish C.: To arm bears
Tish C.: 2006
Tish C.: Merry Christmas
Tish C.: Say hello to Loadmaster
Tish C.: Guard duty
Tish C.: I'll say this about Russian helicopters...
Tish C.: And now, ladies and gentlemen, here's Tish!
Tish C.: Jungle Patrol
Tish C.: Garden Mole
Tish C.: Kahruvel, November 29th, 2014
Tish C.: Yearbook Photo!