Bennilover: Gracie Elf
Bennilover: December Story
Bennilover: Who's a good girl? Vixen!
Bennilover: Stopping for Breakfast
Bennilover: Not love at first sight!
Bennilover: "Could you please take me home with you?"
Bennilover: "Puppies and kittens, birds and donkeys, lizards and adoptions - it's all called the Expo and it's one of My Favorite Things..."
Bennilover: Eye Contact
Bennilover: Born to be Beautiful
Bennilover: Cold Blooded Love
Bennilover: BACKSIDES
Bennilover: Benni looks for ducklings
Bennilover: IMG_4944
Bennilover: Nose to Nose - Benni and the Llama
Bennilover: "I finally get back to Laguna Beach and have an Adventure!" by Benni Girl
Bennilover: Voo, rescue baby Pelican
Bennilover: "Quoth the Raven, Nevermore.."
Bennilover: Bird Watching
Bennilover: Breakfast at the creek
Bennilover: "I may have a foot problem but watch me fly!"
Bennilover: Voo flying
Bennilover: Herring Gull - bird with attitude
Bennilover: Baby lizard on our wall
Bennilover: Nose to nose, strange eye to eye!
Bennilover: "Who are you and what are you saying?"
Bennilover: Best Day Ever!
Bennilover: "Black and white and loved all over..."
Bennilover: Flamingos Prepare to Egg Sit
Bennilover: Zoo Visitors