aleshurik: Romanian farm..
aleshurik: Somebody over the clouds
aleshurik: Just a perfect day..))
aleshurik: exhausted :)
aleshurik: somebody over the clouds...
aleshurik: Waiting..
aleshurik: once at the station
aleshurik: she is the light..
aleshurik: Indigo..
aleshurik: they love dirty roads..
aleshurik: the Reindeer Breeder Day..
aleshurik: People of Yamal..
aleshurik: People of Yamal
aleshurik: People of Yamal..
aleshurik: It's me..
aleshurik: Taking eggs...
aleshurik: Evening in the village...
aleshurik: Дядя Витя.
aleshurik: в деревне на берегу Байкала
aleshurik: Listen to Ice sing..
aleshurik: listen to the Ice song
aleshurik: Baikal
aleshurik: Five minutes to..
aleshurik: morning exploring..