Vintage Midcentury: the indoor pool exterior
Vintage Midcentury: view of the pool
Vintage Midcentury: indoor pool
Vintage Midcentury: The indoor pool covered with ice
Vintage Midcentury: The indoor pool
Vintage Midcentury: indoor pool ceiling
Vintage Midcentury: the icy indoor pool
Vintage Midcentury: cracked ice in the indoor pool
Vintage Midcentury: Icy floors at G
Vintage Midcentury: lounging in the indoor pool
Vintage Midcentury: sun bathing in the indoor pool
Vintage Midcentury: doorway to the veranda
Vintage Midcentury: ramp to the veranda
Vintage Midcentury: the veranda
Vintage Midcentury: the veranda
Vintage Midcentury: decaying Rock-ola Jukebox
Vintage Midcentury: inside the juke box
Vintage Midcentury: the new indoor 'ice skating' rink!
Vintage Midcentury: the 1980s unfinished lobby
Vintage Midcentury: icy reflections
Vintage Midcentury: Rusty railing in the pool wing
Vintage Midcentury: good old Jennie G
Vintage Midcentury: Snowy Jennie G
Vintage Midcentury: Entrence to Jennie G
Vintage Midcentury: some sort of fire damage in Jennie G
Vintage Midcentury: dark room Jennie G
Vintage Midcentury: Blue bathroom in Jennie G
Vintage Midcentury: room in Jennie G