Polterguy50: Everett High School - Krystal's locker
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Empty Auditorium
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower basement - One of the exits
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower basement - orange hallway
Polterguy50: Everett High School - 2nd Floor - Empty classroom
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower Cafeteria Kitchen
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower Cafeteria Kitchen on the other side
Polterguy50: Everett High School - The stairs
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Teddy bear on a desk
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower cafeteria floor - Cleaning room exit
Polterguy50: Everett High School - 2nd Floor - Door near the auditorium with a broken glass
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower Cafeteria floor - Cleaning room with monopoly money on the floor
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower Cafeteria floor - Cleaning room floor
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower basement - The cafeteria
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower Basement - Walking towards the exit
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower Cafeteria floor - Walking towards the cleaning room
Polterguy50: Everett High School - 2nd Floor hallway in the dark
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower Cafeteria floor - Looking at a closed door
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower basement - Dark hallway
Polterguy50: Everett High School - 2nd Floor in the dark - going towards the exit
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower basement - going towards the stairs
Polterguy50: Everett High School - 2nd floor in the dark - looking out the window
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower Cafeteria Floor - Cleaning room
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower basement - Walking towards the gymstairs
Polterguy50: Everett High School - 2nd Floor in the daylight - walking towards the window
Polterguy50: Everett High School - 2nd floor hallway in daylight
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower Basement facing a computer
Polterguy50: Everett High School - Lower Basement Hallway with light
Polterguy50: Everett High School - 2nd Floor at night
Polterguy50: Everett High School - 2nd Floor hallway