Tanu101: Rogue Orchid
Tanu101: Rogue Orchid
Tanu101: Triangle Palm tree
Tanu101: Triangle Palm with stuff on it
Tanu101: Broms around the palm
Tanu101: Pedilanthus tithymaloides v. nanus.
Tanu101: Pedilanthus tithymaloides v. nanus.
Tanu101: Pedilanthus tithymaloides v. nanus.
Tanu101: Pedilanthus tithymaloides v. nanus.
Tanu101: Rhipsalis Ramulosa
Tanu101: Rhipsalis Ramulosa
Tanu101: air plants
Tanu101: vanilla beans
Tanu101: Weird plant
Tanu101: Mother In Laws Tongue
Tanu101: Toad Lilly
Tanu101: Close up of Day Gecko
Tanu101: Day Gecko
Tanu101: Tree fern thing
Tanu101: Mounted Staghorn
Tanu101: another staghorn - in the ground
Tanu101: Another staghorn
Tanu101: Succulents growing out of recycled light fixture
Tanu101: Planting things in recycled objects
Tanu101: Plants in a rusted wok
Tanu101: Mounted Orchid
Tanu101: Giant Heliconias
Tanu101: Variegated Vanilla Planifolia
Tanu101: Tillandsia Tricolor?
Tanu101: Tillandsia Tricolor?