efetherm: Tiff on the trail
efetherm: Chickweed
efetherm: Beaver Mountain Trail
efetherm: Long's Peak through the aspens
efetherm: Delphinium
efetherm: Beaver Brook crossing
efetherm: Oregon grape
efetherm: Into the burn
efetherm: Golden smoke
efetherm: Trail through the burn
efetherm: Deer and aspens
efetherm: Deer Mountain and Moraine Park
efetherm: Elk and Moraine Park
efetherm: Long's Peak
efetherm: Going through the East Troublesome burn
efetherm: Blue-eyed Mary
efetherm: Long's Peak through the burned trees
efetherm: New aspen regrowth
efetherm: Elk and Long's Peak
efetherm: Going through the East Troublesome burn
efetherm: Going through the East Troublesome burn
efetherm: Ute Trail and Beaver Mountain Trail intersection
efetherm: Going through the East Troublesome burn
efetherm: Going through the East Troublesome burn
efetherm: Big Thompson Canyon and Notchtop
efetherm: Long's Peak
efetherm: Ute Trail and Ute Creek
efetherm: Tiff along Ute Creek
efetherm: Pygmyflower
efetherm: To Ute Meadow backcountry campsite