efetherm: Starting out on the Lily Mountain Trail
efetherm: Lake Estes in the distance
efetherm: Twin Sisters
efetherm: Rocks and trees along the trail
efetherm: Looking down off the side of Lily Mountain
efetherm: The Estes Valley
efetherm: Tiff on the trail
efetherm: Looking out to Mummy Mountain and Hague's Peak
efetherm: Trail to the top of Lily Mountain
efetherm: Twin Sisters
efetherm: The sun shining on the final few feet to the top
efetherm: Long's Peak and Glacier Basin
efetherm: Long's Peak
efetherm: Rocky Mountain National Park
efetherm: Rocky Mountain National Park
efetherm: Glacier Basin
efetherm: The Estes Valley
efetherm: Tiff and I and Rocky Mountain National Park
efetherm: Tiff and I and Rocky Mountain National Park
efetherm: Tiff and I and Long's Peak
efetherm: Tiff and I and Long's Peak
efetherm: Glacier Basin
efetherm: Me hiking down the trail
efetherm: Me hiking down the trail