efetherm: Mountains over Glacier Creek
efetherm: Hallett Peak
efetherm: Glacier Creek
efetherm: Heading towards Storm Pass
efetherm: Mouse tracks in the snow
efetherm: Storm Pass Trail
efetherm: Tiff on the trail
efetherm: Snow in the woods
efetherm: Wind River valley
efetherm: Snow in the woods
efetherm: View from Storm Pass Trail
efetherm: View from Storm Pass Trail
efetherm: View from Storm Pass Trail
efetherm: Rocky mountains
efetherm: Tree skeletons
efetherm: Tiff snowshoeing on Storm Pass Trail
efetherm: Beaver Meadows and mountains over Horseshoe Park
efetherm: Snowshoe hare
efetherm: Snowshoe hare
efetherm: Snowshoe hare
efetherm: Snowshoe hare
efetherm: Estes Cone and Storm Pass
efetherm: Moose bed on the trail
efetherm: Storm Pass
efetherm: Storm Pass
efetherm: Storm Pass
efetherm: Snowshoe hare
efetherm: Storm Pass Trail
efetherm: View from part way up Storm Pass
efetherm: Bridge over Glacier Creek