CherryStix: Excuse the dummy - it wasn't worth the tears!
CherryStix: Angry face after having the dummy removed
CherryStix: Oscar
CherryStix: Excited face - not a lot different to the angry face!
CherryStix: Rockin' the cloth
CherryStix: Chowing on his cheeky wipes!
CherryStix: Pensive
CherryStix: This little piggy...
CherryStix: Growing up
CherryStix: Turquoise
CherryStix: Tramps like us...
CherryStix: Rebecca - From Hebrew, meaning "captivator"
CherryStix: Making a run for it.
CherryStix: First poppy
CherryStix: becsmeadow10
CherryStix: All too much
CherryStix: oliviamonkey