55randomclicks: My first day in my new home!
55randomclicks: I don't always lay in the grass, but when I do, I look cute.
55randomclicks: Practicing for Sunday
55randomclicks: There is a big world out there and I'm determined to bite it!
55randomclicks: I can make room for you up here and I promise not to bite, but lick, that I can not promise.
55randomclicks: Happy Easter!
55randomclicks: My Paper Lover
55randomclicks: I think she likes me
55randomclicks: My Little Doug
55randomclicks: Charlie's first visit to the dog park.
55randomclicks: Charlie's first visit to the dog park.
55randomclicks: Charlie's first visit to the dog park.
55randomclicks: Charlie's first visit to the dog park.
55randomclicks: Charlie's first visit to the dog park.
55randomclicks: Charlie's first visit to the dog park.
55randomclicks: Charlie's first visit to the dog park.
55randomclicks: Charlie and the water hose.
55randomclicks: Charlie and the water hose.
55randomclicks: Charlie and the water hose.
55randomclicks: Charlie and the water hose.
55randomclicks: Charlie and the water hose.
55randomclicks: Me and my pup