Dfenz: Ferris wheel - instructions acquired online
Dfenz: GPO 1916 at Naas
Dfenz: GPO 1916
Dfenz: GPO 1916 Nelson's pillar
Dfenz: Train layout at Naas event
Dfenz: Ferris wheel and tram stop
Dfenz: Ferris wheel close up. Instructions as acquired online
Dfenz: Fortress of Solitude at Naas library 2016 by Jessica Farrell
Dfenz: Marvel v DC at Naas library
Dfenz: Eeyore by Amy at Naas
Dfenz: Aries by Amy at Naas library
Dfenz: Fairy odd parents at Naas
Dfenz: Mosaics and flowers at Naas library
Dfenz: Snoopy and flowers at Naas
Dfenz: At Naas library
Dfenz: At Naas library
Dfenz: Peterbilt at Naas library
Dfenz: Ninjago and vignettes at Naas
Dfenz: At Naas library
Dfenz: Room 5 at Naas
Dfenz: Room 4 at Naas
Dfenz: Room 3 at Naas
Dfenz: Room 2 at Naas
Dfenz: Room 1 at Naas
Dfenz: Duq's trains at Naas
Dfenz: Main street at Naas library
Dfenz: Main street 2 at Naas library
Dfenz: Marvel v DC
Dfenz: At Naas
Dfenz: Minifig alert at Naas