Gareth Harper: Windows on our lives
Gareth Harper: Drama workshop
Gareth Harper: Working on ideas
Gareth Harper: You better be scared!
Gareth Harper: Summing up the nights rehearsal
Gareth Harper: Knightswood Youth Theatre
Gareth Harper: Windows on our lives
Gareth Harper: Introduction
Gareth Harper: African Dad
Gareth Harper: Still rehearsing
Gareth Harper: The hall fills up
Gareth Harper: Marlene practises her intro
Gareth Harper: The performance
Gareth Harper: We did it!
Gareth Harper: Ignite Theatre
Gareth Harper: Ignite Theatre
Gareth Harper: Knightswood Youth Theatre at the MacRobert
Gareth Harper: precious
Gareth Harper: Preparation
Gareth Harper: Last minute nerves
Gareth Harper: Knightswood Youth Theatre
Gareth Harper: Knightswood Youth Theatre
Gareth Harper: Car wash
Gareth Harper: Oil drum
Gareth Harper: At the MacRobert
Gareth Harper: Warming up
Gareth Harper: Dressing Room