Sammy1629: Anushka was as terrific as ever!
Sammy1629: The DJ was stupendous, and guess who took over the "Charge" ;)
Sammy1629: He needed no invitation btw ;)
Sammy1629: And he rocked the stage ;)
Sammy1629: The "FASHION" galore...
Sammy1629: The DJ ;)
Sammy1629: The Gateway and Rizwan :P
Sammy1629: Ummm...Mumbaaiii!
Sammy1629: Well...the show stopper as I said!
Sammy1629: Down-Stairs!
Sammy1629: Taj Land's End
Sammy1629: Mumbai Exclusives!
Sammy1629: Sun Set at the Bandra...
Sammy1629: View from the Taj Land's End!
Sammy1629: The GATEWAY!