chad.hanson: Hold it ...
Mr. Happy Face - Peace :): Raising a Stink
Mr. Happy Face - Peace :): Window Wednesdays
Mr. Happy Face - Peace :): Butterflies Garden
Mr. Happy Face - Peace :): Butterflies Garden
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-24-0834-Syrphus torvus
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-24-0483-Eristalis pertinax
♞Jenny♞: First to jump
ferpectshotz: In the world of words, the imagination is one of the forces of nature…
ferpectshotz: There is only one valuable thing in art: the thing you cannot explain…
camsdl: Morning Moonlight over the Lake
camsdl: Yellow Rose, Last Days
JLS Photography - Alaska: Seventy Years ago today . . .
austindca: fly in the garden
austindca: basketflower emerging
austindca: carolina wren
austindca: leaf beetle in the garden
austindca: asian lady beetle
austindca: carolina wren
georgeheard: 1G9A1858
Herbert Catania: Verso La Luce
- jerri -: playin' dead
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-24-5537-Anas crecca
♞Jenny♞: Mid-air collision
ferpectshotz: Better remain silent, better not even think, if you are not prepared to act…
ferpectshotz: When I draw, I always recall my mindset when I was a child…
cowgirlrightup: Happy Earth Day!