Ulmar Chaves Viteri: Ending is the beggining of the ending itself
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: Future with a ray of sunshine.
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: Looking forward to finally feeling the zero sum.
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: Chi sarebbe кто будет |
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: I get knocked down Me han tumbado, pero me But I get up again
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: I wanna kiss you like the sun browns you
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: Sugar Daddy bring your sugar home
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: take me with you
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: Remember to support your favorite artists
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: One way, Or Another!
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: So the season ends
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: The New Year
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: _____✍️ Au revoir année
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: Coach Jefferson
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: El joven galo artesano
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: To Thomas the bomb is Giving the cynicism fever ☢️
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: Walking out the Hell-hound
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: Y---o soy lind04 a mi manera /Je suis beau à ma façon Porque Dios no comete errores-- / Parce que Dieu ne fait pas d'erreurs Je suis sur la bonne voie, bébé je suis né comme ça
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: John Bautista wearing his white shoes, a beautiful and kind male nurse I had during my placid ride to the fun-house 💉
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: IMG_1505beta
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: They hate us all year round and the season begins to hunt gays who sell nice.
Ulmar Chaves Viteri: The great destroyer / El gran destructor / Le grand destructeur المدمر العظيم ☄️☄️☯️ |