KAZUYAKİ: A gun fight
KarmDD: Ufa Mp5.56 (PDW?)
KatUteeV » totally dead: Noone should be forgotten, nothing should be forgotten
Xan - Now on Airsoft: Choose one!!
WhiteKnight05: W-34 "Stealth"
bowlingdude47: 0.6 Barrett M107
RaVeNgUnZ: Automatic breach-loading shotgun
RaVeNgUnZ: AK future apoc
jaws101: GX2
fifibezon2: Thompson submachinegun Left Side
Darthtoa: FS HMSP-1 Standard
AKA killer54321: M420 CQC
RaVeNgUnZ: KAL-1
I WAR X PIG I: Heavy kriss
EXCR: The Brute SMG
Galw1n: Colt General
trenchgun14: ak47 RAS 7.62
EagleMalkavian: Klas Magnum Brutal Justice
EagleMalkavian: Klas Magnum Brutal Justice - Scoped
sandbagger1988,: If an F2000 and a SCAR had a baby
PMG Pat The Specter: Lever Action Revolver Carbine