whitehal: Tubes in the sun
whitehal: X-mas tree
whitehal: Fall colors
whitehal: Dolphin Cruise sign
whitehal: Shells & Waves
whitehal: Jellyfish & feather
whitehal: Greece on the beach
whitehal: Footprints
whitehal: Bridge
whitehal: Trail (with fog)
whitehal: Leaves on the trail
whitehal: Tahoe cruise boat line
whitehal: Cranes on White River
whitehal: Old House
whitehal: Slow down (Bellefonte)
whitehal: Old train track
whitehal: On Tap
whitehal: Lone flower
whitehal: Path to mountains
whitehal: Happy Valley
whitehal: Farm at Tudek Park
whitehal: Big tree at Tudek Park
whitehal: Big tree in sun (Tudek Park)
whitehal: Sunflower at Tudek Park
whitehal: Big tree (B&W)
whitehal: Big tree at Tudek Park (B & W)
whitehal: Lake at Sunset
whitehal: Big plant
whitehal: Sunflower field
whitehal: Lake Orin