Duane Micheau: Macrons
Duane Micheau: Macrons
Duane Micheau: Bird On A Wire
Duane Micheau: Looking Lovely
Duane Micheau: Common Grackle
Duane Micheau: The “I’m Hungry Look”
Duane Micheau: A Wasp has to eat.
Duane Micheau: Pollenation
Duane Micheau: Sandhill crane colt
Duane Micheau: Sandhill crane colt
Duane Micheau: Sandhill crane colt
Duane Micheau: Sun Worship
Duane Micheau: Phallus impudicus
Duane Micheau: Citrus root weevil. Diaprepes abbreviatus
Duane Micheau: Phallus impudicus
Duane Micheau: Resting Brown Pelican
Duane Micheau: Tricolored Heron Downtime
Duane Micheau: Posing Woodpecker
Duane Micheau: 1Blue Dasher3
Duane Micheau: Cuban Tree Frog
Duane Micheau: Male Cardinal
Duane Micheau: Lovelydeadcrap
Duane Micheau: Female Cardinal
Duane Micheau: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Duane Micheau: cubantreefrog3
Duane Micheau: Cuban Tree Frog
Duane Micheau: Cuban Tree Frog
Duane Micheau: Shoot The Moon
Duane Micheau: Time Is Up
Duane Micheau: Happy Thanksgiving