Tongxiao86: 白紐扣菊Camomilla tomentosa(學名:Anacyclus clavatus) (1)
Tongxiao86: amapolas虞美人poppies (3)
Tongxiao86: amapolas虞美人poppies (2)
Tongxiao86: amapolas虞美人poppies (1)
Tongxiao86: capullo de amapola虞美人花蕾poppy bud (4)
Tongxiao86: La cebada大麥barley(Hordeum vulgare)
Tongxiao86: Mañana clara y sin nubes清晨萬裡無雲Clear and cloudless morning
Tongxiao86: Silene portensis西林波滕西斯 (6)
Tongxiao86: Silene portensis西林波滕西斯 (1)
Tongxiao86: Cotoneaster栒子屬#矮生栒子花 (5)
Tongxiao86: Cotoneaster栒子屬#矮生栒子花 (1)
Tongxiao86: Cardo mariano水飛薊Silybum marianum#Milk thistle (3)
Tongxiao86: sombra extraña奇怪的影子weird shadow
Tongxiao86: Amanecer旭日Sunrise
Tongxiao86: Mañana clara y sin nubes清晨萬裡無雲Clear and cloudless morning
Tongxiao86: Abejorro recogiendo néctar de castaño de indias熊蜂在七葉樹上採蜜Bumblebee collecting nectar on horse chestnut tree
Tongxiao86: El castaño de Indias七葉樹HORSE CHESTNUT(Aesculus hippocastanum) (4)
Tongxiao86: El castaño de Indias七葉樹HORSE CHESTNUT(Aesculus hippocastanum) (3)
Tongxiao86: El castaño de Indias七葉樹HORSE CHESTNUT(Aesculus hippocastanum) (1)
Tongxiao86: Erysimum franciscanum弗朗西斯菊San Francisco wallflower (6)
Tongxiao86: Erysimum franciscanum弗朗西斯菊San Francisco wallflower (5)
Tongxiao86: Erysimum franciscanum弗朗西斯菊San Francisco wallflower (4)
Tongxiao86: Erysimum franciscanum弗朗西斯菊San Francisco wallflower (3)
Tongxiao86: Erysimum franciscanum弗朗西斯菊San Francisco wallflower (2)
Tongxiao86: Erysimum franciscanum弗朗西斯菊San Francisco wallflower (1)
Tongxiao86: Erysimum franciscanum弗朗西斯菊San Francisco wallflower (7)
Tongxiao86: Bellis perennis草坪雛菊La margarita
Tongxiao86: es realmente encantador煞是迷人it's really charming
Tongxiao86: amapola虞美人poppy (2)