Codrita: Deep Winter Sky
Codrita: All covered in snow
Codrita: Snow tracks
Codrita: Calm before snow storm
Codrita: Snowy tracks
Codrita: From uphill
Codrita: Wind and Snow
Codrita: Snow and clouds
Codrita: Tracks among trees
Codrita: Building our way through the snow
Codrita: Snowscape
Codrita: Rock and ice
Codrita: Deep blue sky
Codrita: Lonely rock
Codrita: Heavy icy trees
Codrita: Way back home
Codrita: White scape
Codrita: Cold
Codrita: Snowy friends
Codrita: Mountains are calling
Codrita: Travellers' tracks
Codrita: Snowscape
Codrita: Mountains in snow
Codrita: Cold blue and warm green
Codrita: Sentinel
Codrita: Boundary
Codrita: All the way
Codrita: Wild strawberry
Codrita: Harland boxwood
Codrita: Lock