kyle.wiens: Mechanic helping mechanic: Wingman diagnosing an electrical issue on the bike repair van
kyle.wiens: Deserts: Where even eye-wash station become hazards
kyle.wiens: Wingman is standing by
kyle.wiens: The Black Rock City auto repair yard
kyle.wiens: A medical team takes a break from prowling the playa to blow out their air filter
kyle.wiens: Gettin' by: replacing a failed alternator with a gas generator
kyle.wiens: Wingman blowing out a clogged air filter
kyle.wiens: Alternator won't fit? A little bailing wire and the right tent stake can fix that
kyle.wiens: Functional alternators are particularly important at Burning Man, where EL wire and sound systems rapidly overload batteries
kyle.wiens: Now where is that darned air filter?
kyle.wiens: Checking for a valve stem tire leak with soapy water
kyle.wiens: Playa hack show & tell
kyle.wiens: NAPA: Proud Black Rock City auto parts supplier
kyle.wiens: Got filters?
kyle.wiens: Wingman
kyle.wiens: Electrical troubleshooting step 1: Remove the thick coating of dust from the engine
kyle.wiens: Explaining why his art car requires two engines now.
kyle.wiens: A battery problem on this beater bike repair van was burning through alternators until Wingman tracked it down to a load balancer.
kyle.wiens: There's more than one way to see the playa.