Stunt Girl: P6290099
Stunt Girl: P6290100
Stunt Girl: P6290101
Stunt Girl: View of Lindau over Lake Constance
Stunt Girl: P6300104
Stunt Girl: P6300105
Stunt Girl: P6300106
Stunt Girl: P6300107
Stunt Girl: Vuvuzela in Lindau
Stunt Girl: I think Lindau FC lost... although I can't be sure!
Stunt Girl: View back to the Bad Schachen pool area from the lake
Stunt Girl: View across to Lindau
Stunt Girl: It's hard to take a photo of your own feet while trying to float, it turns out
Stunt Girl: the Bad Schachen hotel. Very posh. Where all the laureates were staying
Stunt Girl: The outdoor pool. Much more civilised
Stunt Girl: P7010120
Stunt Girl: Charlotte swimming
Stunt Girl: Which direction is the hotel?
Stunt Girl: Geoff swimming
Stunt Girl: P7010124
Stunt Girl: Underwater shot
Stunt Girl: A cute church
Stunt Girl: P7010130
Stunt Girl: Martin wows us with his Tommy Cooper impression
Stunt Girl: Geoff eyes up his beer
Stunt Girl: P7010134