Stunt Girl: Early
Stunt Girl: Our pitch
Stunt Girl: View from the tent
Stunt Girl: First G&T
Stunt Girl: More gin
Stunt Girl: Baroo?!
Stunt Girl: Lolling
Stunt Girl: Belly!
Stunt Girl: Bikes
Stunt Girl: Next to our tent
Stunt Girl: Landscape
Stunt Girl: Flight path
Stunt Girl: I declate this festival open!
Stunt Girl: Scythe
Stunt Girl: Hayokee
Stunt Girl: Hayokee!
Stunt Girl: Norweigan Dad
Stunt Girl: HHhmmm...
Stunt Girl: Laughter
Stunt Girl: I think...
Stunt Girl: To me to you
Stunt Girl: Early
Stunt Girl: MMmmm sun
Stunt Girl: Donning the Shirt of Shame
Stunt Girl: So unFAIR
Stunt Girl: Sun hat and shades
Stunt Girl: Man onna box
Stunt Girl: Music
Stunt Girl: Courtyard