Stunt Girl: Pye corner
Stunt Girl: St Pauls from my office
Stunt Girl: Justice
Stunt Girl: The front of St Pauls
Stunt Girl: Front of St Pauls
Stunt Girl: Majesty
Stunt Girl: It's a long way up
Stunt Girl: Close to the dome
Stunt Girl: Dome of St Pauls
Stunt Girl: First view
Stunt Girl: Misty London
Stunt Girl: Millennium Bridge
Stunt Girl: The Thames
Stunt Girl: Industry
Stunt Girl: View towards the City
Stunt Girl: Lunchtime
Stunt Girl: Paternoster Square
Stunt Girl: Building works
Stunt Girl: The ugly and the beautiful
Stunt Girl: Tower Bridge
Stunt Girl: Canary Wharf
Stunt Girl: BT Tower
Stunt Girl: My office
Stunt Girl: One way stairs
Stunt Girl: Centre Point Sunset