Stunt Girl: Hunting under the table
Stunt Girl: Swipe!
Stunt Girl: Chasing mice
Stunt Girl: More cute
Stunt Girl: All sleepy curly cute
Stunt Girl: Close-up cute
Stunt Girl: With the requisite spotty belly
Stunt Girl: Catching string
Stunt Girl: Chasing string
Stunt Girl: Looking smug
Stunt Girl: Catching fingers
Stunt Girl: Catching folks on the telly
Stunt Girl: Snoozing
Stunt Girl: Stalking
Stunt Girl: Square
Stunt Girl: Circle
Stunt Girl: A cat walked into the bar
Stunt Girl: Window walking
Stunt Girl: Keeping guard
Stunt Girl: Hiding in my desk
Stunt Girl: No work
Stunt Girl: Tired
Stunt Girl: Eager
Stunt Girl: Sleep
Stunt Girl: Still relaxed
Stunt Girl: I like cuddles
Stunt Girl: Spotty belly!
Stunt Girl: Climbing