Stunt Girl: Roads and bridges and lines and lines
Stunt Girl: Naples
Stunt Girl: Our guide - Stephania
Stunt Girl: Porta Marina
Stunt Girl: Pretty lizard
Stunt Girl: Apollo
Stunt Girl: Artemis
Stunt Girl: Second storey
Stunt Girl: Marble plinth
Stunt Girl: Columns
Stunt Girl: Me and my map
Stunt Girl: Temple of Zeus
Stunt Girl: Fish market
Stunt Girl: Dead slave
Stunt Girl: Fresco
Stunt Girl: Dead bodies
Stunt Girl: A body
Stunt Girl: Vesuvius; Stephan
Stunt Girl: Here be wine
Stunt Girl: Possibly Pan
Stunt Girl: Cloister
Stunt Girl: Big aloe plant
Stunt Girl: Lemons
Stunt Girl: More towers
Stunt Girl: Vesuvius
Stunt Girl: View to the Vesuvius gate
Stunt Girl: Hermes
Stunt Girl: Welcome
Stunt Girl: House decorations