Claire Gilfillan Photography: ChristmasDay-1113-Edit
Claire Gilfillan Photography: untitled shoot-9229-Edit
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Missing summer swimming days so much today
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 114/Sweet sleeping doggie
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 115/Naughty doggie
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 116/My life now
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 113/Finn's baby
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 112/She got to see some snow
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 111/Baby Junebug
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 110/We got a puppy
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 109/Jumping Princess
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 108/Sunny afternoon
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 107/Cooking buddy
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 106/Post-Church lunch out
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 97, Laundry room
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 98/ Little baker
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 101/Backyard crazies
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 102/Even ducks like shelter from the rain..when its rain/hail.
Claire Gilfillan Photography: untitled shoot-0003-Edit
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 104/My little violinist
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 95/She takes "selfies" with my phone.
Claire Gilfillan Photography: Day 94/We woke to Snow!