Justine Kimberly: Was totally wrecked emotionally and physically most of the afternoon. Come 10pm I found myself restless, with insomnia kicking in. So, I just did an hour of work and then decided to clean out my purse (first time in probably 3 months). I found: my journal
Justine Kimberly: The joke is that our husbands had a pregnancy pact. @toieverhoo you are gorgeous! #twoweeksapart #ladywads
Justine Kimberly: Bursting out of frame. This week is very, very full and today is a 12hr day, but I got to see a little 3-wk old babe and hang out with her awesome mom and isn't that fierce tribe of women such an amazing thing? πŸŒΈπŸ’•πŸŒΈ
Justine Kimberly: Snapped #onmywalk with @hwadsworth to Starbucks for 2nd breakfast in between a full day of meetings (and, to be honest, a bit of caffeinated ranting by moi) #jt100daysofoutdoors #100dayproject #marriedagoodone #tgif
Justine Kimberly: Those patterns tho. #jt100daysofoutdoors #100dayproject #onmywalk
Justine Kimberly: Sometimes he gets to lick the plate. #cartercash