fiftybybike: Chris's peculiar dog, Annie
fiftybybike: Re-assembling the bike at Chris's home in Miami
fiftybybike: A lazy gator in the tea-hued water
fiftybybike: Swamp scenes from Big Cypress (look at those air plants in bloom!)
fiftybybike: Swamp scenes from Big Cypress (look at those air plants in bloom!)
fiftybybike: Swamp scenes from Big Cypress (look at those air plants in bloom!)
fiftybybike: A huge gator!
fiftybybike: A graceful heron
fiftybybike: A big gator
fiftybybike: Do not feed (yourself to) the alligators
fiftybybike: He got a fish!
fiftybybike: Raising the colors at the Visitors' Center, Big Cypress National Preserve
fiftybybike: Swamp scenes from Big Cypress
fiftybybike: Swamp scenes from Big Cypress
fiftybybike: America's smallest Post Office: Ochopee, Florida
fiftybybike: Panther crossing!?!
fiftybybike: Panther crossing! (Notice the 12' fence to keep them off the roads.)
fiftybybike: The first oil well in Florida: our camping spot for a night
fiftybybike: The open road in South Florida
fiftybybike: Harley visions and Nascar dreams among the trailer park kids
fiftybybike: How many Confederate flags do you count?
fiftybybike: Loophole livin' since 1983!
fiftybybike: An old truck at the Seminole "campground"/trailer park
fiftybybike: Ranch land: big skies and...palm trees?
fiftybybike: Ranch land: big skies and...palm trees?
fiftybybike: Oranges, oranges, everywhere!
fiftybybike: Ghostly spanish moss
fiftybybike: Our shelter from the storm in tiny Ona
fiftybybike: A work-in-progress strawberry farm mural in Plant City
fiftybybike: Foolin' in the kitchen with Rakesh