fiftybybike: A Welcome sign--haven't seen one of these for a while!
fiftybybike: The Peabody River, which ran along Hwy 16 up to Pinkham Notch
fiftybybike: Mount Washington towers over the surrounding landscape
fiftybybike: And now, the hard-earned descent from Pinkham Notch on Hwy 16 into Jackson
fiftybybike: Lynette and Joe Dodge, their faithful lab
fiftybybike: Steve & Lynette Norton, our kind hosts south of Mt Washington
fiftybybike: A view back to Mount Washington from near Dana Place inn
fiftybybike: The cathedral cliffs along West Shore road south of Conway
fiftybybike: Descrption of a very large rock that we rode a good ways out of our way to see.
fiftybybike: There's the big rock now.
fiftybybike: Apparently, this 4,600 ton rock is being held up by two large sticks.
fiftybybike: Laura's attempt to scale Madison Boulder
fiftybybike: Laura's attempt to scale Madison Boulder
fiftybybike: Aaron's attempt to scale Madison Boulder
fiftybybike: Awwww!
fiftybybike: Silver Lake
fiftybybike: Our (mostly) trusty steed in front of the Silver Lake train depot/post office
fiftybybike: A representative scene of a house in the New Hampshire/Vermont
fiftybybike: Sunset over White Lake in the state park campground
fiftybybike: Sunset over White Lake
fiftybybike: The burled roots of the trees on the shore of White Lake
fiftybybike: The burled roots of the trees on the shore of White Lake
fiftybybike: Lakes, peaks, and bogs--common sights in Central New Hampshire
fiftybybike: Sunset as seen from Gunstock Hill in the home of Don & Barbara Carey
fiftybybike: Sunset as seen from Gunstock Hill in the home of Don & Barbara Carey
fiftybybike: Sunset as seen from Gunstock Hill in the home of Don & Barbara Carey
fiftybybike: Don & Barbara Carey in their beautiful home near Gilford
fiftybybike: Harvesting from the innumerable roadside apple trees--free healthy snacks!
fiftybybike: Winona Lake, near the Geographic Center of New Hampshire
fiftybybike: Winona Lake, near the Geographic Center of New Hampshire