davemc500hats: Tantek Foo
davemc500hats: JotSpot Caught
davemc500hats: HotOrTechnotrati
davemc500hats: Foo Chopper
davemc500hats: Picture 011
davemc500hats: Esther has Seth's attention
davemc500hats: Esther takes (space)flight
davemc500hats: How Far the Moon?
davemc500hats: Seth wants your attention
davemc500hats: Seth has your attention
davemc500hats: Attention Matrix
davemc500hats: Odeo Tagging
davemc500hats: Peter gets foo-faced with Larry Wall
davemc500hats: Picture 017
davemc500hats: Picture 016
davemc500hats: O'Reilly FooGrass, featuring Chip & Sara
davemc500hats: I'm a pickin'...
davemc500hats: O'Reilly FooGrass Festival
davemc500hats: Geek Evangelism can warp your mind
davemc500hats: Who is a Werewolf ?!?
davemc500hats: Clueless Villagers
davemc500hats: Screw all this talk... let's lynch somebody.
davemc500hats: I'm a villager dammit
davemc500hats: ... but HE is a WEREWOLF!
davemc500hats: I am NOT a werewolf... i'm a VILLAGER!
davemc500hats: See, i was a villager you dumbasses!
davemc500hats: Larry Wall can drink beer, says Pete
davemc500hats: Foo Snoozin
davemc500hats: FlickrPup
davemc500hats: FooFlat