The Golding guy: North wall letterpress shop
The Golding guy: South wall letterpress shop
The Golding guy: MBM 4810-95 paper cutter
The Golding guy: Letterpress ink cabinet
The Golding guy: Golding Official No. 2 (4"x6")
The Golding guy: Galley cabinet w/type drawer brackets
The Golding guy: Monitor foot operated perforator
The Golding guy: Golding Jobber NO. 6
The Golding guy: Golding Pearl Improved NO. 11
The Golding guy: Original Golding Pearl Counter
The Golding guy: Craftsmen lathe to make press parts
The Golding guy: Miller tabletop printers saw
The Golding guy: Ludlow Typograph
The Golding guy: Golding presses motor and lever operated
The Golding guy: Golding treadle presses
The Golding guy: Golding Jobber No. 6 flywheel side
The Golding guy: Golding Jobber No. 6. Oiler side
The Golding guy: Golding Jobber No. 6 flywheel detail
The Golding guy: Golding Jobber No. 6 Banjo detail
The Golding guy: Golding Jobber No. 18 Art Series
The Golding guy: Golding Jobber No. 6, Official No. 9, Pearl No. 11
The Golding guy: Golding Official No. 9 Map press
The Golding guy: Early (1877) OS Golding Pearl No. 3
The Golding guy: Late (1890) OS Golding Pearl No. 3
The Golding guy: Late Golding Pearl OS No. 3
The Golding guy: Pearl ink fountain