Beth Gages Doyle: with Felicia, Candy and Lupes
Beth Gages Doyle: at Sam's Saloon
Beth Gages Doyle: me and Monica
Beth Gages Doyle: Lupes and Lori
Beth Gages Doyle: Eloisa, Felicia, Candy and Lupes
Beth Gages Doyle: Tequila and cake?
Beth Gages Doyle: 281565_2260866526965_1407491179_32776441_1779862_n
Beth Gages Doyle: The six pack
Beth Gages Doyle: The birthday cake!
Beth Gages Doyle: tenemos nuestra comida en el bar.
Beth Gages Doyle: Felicia, Candy y las copas rojas
Beth Gages Doyle: more tequila and cake
Beth Gages Doyle: The band.
Beth Gages Doyle: House Arrest
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Beth Gages Doyle: 197776_2261022330860_1407491179_32776714_1299835_n
Beth Gages Doyle: Felicia and Candy
Beth Gages Doyle: at Heritage Square for July birthdays.
Beth Gages Doyle: got my love beads on my wrist
Beth Gages Doyle: front row: Eloisa, Candy, and Lupes. In the back with Felicia, Monica and Lori