littletoad2: { cat study }
littletoad2: { march of dimes pencil sketches }
littletoad2: { march of dimes-erie chapter }
littletoad2: { food typography }
littletoad2: { crafty chicks logo }
littletoad2: { hope on the harbor pencil sketches }
littletoad2: { hope on the harbor logo concepts }
littletoad2: { lemur concept sketches }
littletoad2: { spa postcard progression }
littletoad2: { home brewers logo pencil sketches }
littletoad2: { home brewers logo }
littletoad2: { home brewers 2 }
littletoad2: { penguin sketches }
littletoad2: { even more penguin sketches }
littletoad2: { an anniversary & t-shirt design }
littletoad2: { lani harmon logo pencil sketches }
littletoad2: { lani harmon photography }
littletoad2: { get the ball }
littletoad2: { engagement typography }
littletoad2: { save the date typography }
littletoad2: { simply divine garden }
littletoad2: { happy birthday typography study }
littletoad2: { erie green drinks 2 }
littletoad2: { erie green drinks }
littletoad2: { save the date progression }
littletoad2: { baby typography study }