Shachar Laudon pics: First Israeli P.M figure reflect from a press building, during a Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Polite protest: Left and Arab leaders await at the road cross line, during a rally protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Among the big ones: during the Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: "Reflection and reality": at the Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: A homeless watching (me and) the Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: "The Tel Aviv bubble": watching, from a Coffe shop-restaurant in Tel Aviv, at the Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: The Fan and the kaffiyah: At the Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Flag v.s sign: a single protest against the Left and Arab rally in Tel-Aviv, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Israeli Policeman stop the traffic, during the Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: "Azrieli" Tel-Aviv towers, on the back of "Peace Now" flags, during the Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Citizens watching the Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law - On the sign: "Stop Fascism", 16.10.2010
Shachar Laudon pics: Two signs, one is for public shelter, the other call to defend the democratic space: at the Left and Arab protest in Tel-Aviv, against the loyalty law, 16.10.2010