scholalam: Batman_Schola_back
scholalam: Saving the world
scholalam: Batman and Robin in movie theatre
scholalam: Batman_Schola_front
scholalam: Batman computer
scholalam: Robin plays at Batman's closet
scholalam: Time for lobster
scholalam: Music
scholalam: Gandalf. Ian McKellen
scholalam: IMG_4338
scholalam: IMG_4427
scholalam: IMG_4547
scholalam: IMG_4852
scholalam: IMG_4947
scholalam: Fruitoz - front
scholalam: Fruitoz - back
scholalam: Fruitoz - Cherriez
scholalam: Fruitoz - Applez
scholalam: Fruitoz - Bananez
scholalam: P1011914_ed
scholalam: P1011912_ed
scholalam: P1011937
scholalam: LEGO first word book - Danish
scholalam: LEGO first word book for Danish01