debatefanatic: presbush
debatefanatic: firstladylaurabush
debatefanatic: capitolandcrowd
debatefanatic: arlington2
debatefanatic: arlington
debatefanatic: vietnamwarmemorial
debatefanatic: monumentcapitolandWWII
debatefanatic: monumentwithcloudsfrommemorial
debatefanatic: koreanwarmemorial
debatefanatic: WWIImemwithairplane
debatefanatic: monumentlookingup
debatefanatic: firewords with memorial
debatefanatic: Before award ceremony
debatefanatic: Top 16 teams
debatefanatic: Speaker award recipients
debatefanatic: semifinals
debatefanatic: Wondering what fate awaits them
debatefanatic: Greg and I
debatefanatic: Handing out the beaks and hats
debatefanatic: All octafinal debaters
debatefanatic: Some NC people
debatefanatic: GA girls
debatefanatic: The wait...
debatefanatic: Concentration
debatefanatic: Lovely ladies
debatefanatic: Celine..
debatefanatic: emily and michael
debatefanatic: impromtu
debatefanatic: original oratory