maco56: dales end
maco56: Rowan tree and thunder
maco56: Wainwath falls
maco56: Dale floor
maco56: dale side
maco56: The winter store & shelter
maco56: Man , leaves his mark on the landscape
maco56: Bird song for breakfast
maco56: Built by hand
maco56: Hill , reflected as a wall
maco56: Barn with a view
maco56: deilcate hues
maco56: remote community
maco56: Trees soften the view
maco56: Gunnerside
maco56: Old barns
maco56: The quality of this light......
maco56: The dale beckons
maco56: follow your heart
maco56: Cool clear water
maco56: stream of life
maco56: A quiet back water
maco56: Low gear ahead !
maco56: moorland light
maco56: Heather bed
maco56: safest place