Laura Padoan: P1000197
Laura Padoan: P1000193
Laura Padoan: Men represent only 4% of the refugee population in Dollo Ado. Refugees tell us they fear recruitment by Al-Shabaab on their journey out of Somalia.
Laura Padoan: Refugees at Kobe camp.
Laura Padoan: Kobe camp.
Laura Padoan: Kobe camp.
Laura Padoan: Kobe camp.
Laura Padoan: A baby awaits treatment for an eye and ear infection.
Laura Padoan: A young mother waits with her son at the health centre.
Laura Padoan: Refugees wait for treatment at the health centre.
Laura Padoan: Malkadida and Kobe refugee camps sprawl in the distance.
Laura Padoan: A girl waits at the health centre.
Laura Padoan: Children at Bokolmanyo's community school.
Laura Padoan: Girls learn to read from wooden slates at a community school in Bokolmanyo.
Laura Padoan: Most of the Somalis arriving in Ethiopia are rural farmers. They were forced to flee after harvests failed for the third year in a row.
Laura Padoan: 15 year-old Brian speaks good English, having been to school in Kenya before he left Somalia.
Laura Padoan: At Kobe camp, families are housed in UNHCR tents.
Laura Padoan: Children at Kobe refugee camp.
Laura Padoan: Midow Hassan Noor sleeps at night on the ground in the transit centre, where 14,000 refugees wait to be transported to the camps.
Laura Padoan: Many refugees travelled with their belongings by donkey cart hundreds of kilometres to Ethiopia.
Laura Padoan: Somali children in a make-shift tent.
Laura Padoan: A young boy plays with a tyre outside of a traditional Somali home constructed in the transit centre.
Laura Padoan: A young boy plays with a tyre outside of a traditional Somali home constructed in the transit centre.
Laura Padoan: Habiba Mural Hassan is eighty years old. She has no family in any of the camps in Ethiopia.
Laura Padoan: Hawa Kerow Aliow, 70, is blind. With no family, she has only an elderly friend Habiba to care for her.
Laura Padoan: Women and children wait to be registered at the transit centre.
Laura Padoan: 11 year-old Madey Abdille Abdiow Madey spent four days and nights travelling through Somalia under cover of dark to reach safety in Ethiopia.
Laura Padoan: Barey Ibrahim Mohamed is seven months pregnant. She came to the camp with her five children, leaving her husband in Somalia to care for his blind father.
Laura Padoan: Make-shift shelters at the transit centre. UNHCR tarpaulins are in short supply as families having been waiting up to a month to be transferred to the camps.