AnaRocha: SuPER TomKE
AnaRocha: Speedy
AnaRocha: Plotting....
AnaRocha: Leticia
AnaRocha: Taste Good
AnaRocha: Cheeky little face
AnaRocha: Lovely giggle
AnaRocha: Leticia_ power 2
AnaRocha: Rebeca, one of my daughters
AnaRocha: fluffy
AnaRocha: Dandelion
AnaRocha: reflection
AnaRocha: green everywhere (almost..)
AnaRocha: series inspired by Mylens
AnaRocha: series inspired by Mylens
AnaRocha: series inspired by Mylens
AnaRocha: series inspired by Mylens
AnaRocha: series inspired by Mylens
AnaRocha: together
AnaRocha: droplets
AnaRocha: liquen
AnaRocha: cherry
AnaRocha: shadows
AnaRocha: fern
AnaRocha: soft focus droplets
AnaRocha: a mosquito!
AnaRocha: colourful perspective of Aberdeen Harbour
AnaRocha: from the graveyard , you see....
AnaRocha: the only place for the two of us..
AnaRocha: teaching Rebeca