pbiwan: Aurora bridge
pbiwan: Aurora Bridge
pbiwan: 3 generations
pbiwan: Ready to receive
pbiwan: Railway lines
pbiwan: Wooden boat
pbiwan: Honk festival
pbiwan: Honk at Gasworks
pbiwan: Gasworks park
pbiwan: Kite flying
pbiwan: Floating neighbourhood
pbiwan: Floating houses
pbiwan: Bill Gates' house
pbiwan: Coloured houses
pbiwan: Coloured row homes
pbiwan: Antique VW
pbiwan: The Space needle
pbiwan: Downtown Seattle
pbiwan: Seattle at dusk
pbiwan: Seattle skyline
pbiwan: Storm King hike
pbiwan: Pinocchio Tree
pbiwan: Silver and red
pbiwan: Cliff hugger
pbiwan: IMG_5680
pbiwan: Yellow flower
pbiwan: Odd leaf out
pbiwan: Light through leaves
pbiwan: Life after death
pbiwan: Lightening struck tree